- DPG-Frühjahrstagung (Physik der Hadronen und Kerne), Bochum, 16. - 20. März 2009
"Exploring the Radiation Hardness of Lead Glass Detectors used in the COMPASS Experiment" (D. Chaberny) - 12th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction (MESON12), Krakau, Polen, 31. Mai - 5. Juni 2012
"Measurement of OZI rule violation and spin alignments in φ(1020) and ω(782) production at COMPASS" (J. Bernhard) - International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC), Florenz, Italien, 2. - 7. Juni (J. Bernhard)
- Begutachtung des GRK Symmetriebrechung, Mainz, 14. Juni 2013
"Baryon Spectroscopy at COMPASS" (T. Weisrock)
"Longitudinal Spin Physics at COMASS" (M. Wilfert)